Just Play it Cool, Boy...

In June, I found myself asking the question ‘Can I write a cool piece of music?' - This song is the result...

"You know what, I am not a cool person..."

June of 2018 was incredible hot. I remember it extremely well. I’d hit a rich seam of writing and I was spending a lot of time in the studio - a room which at the time was unbelievably warm. But I couldn’t tear myself away from the writing and I worked through the heat. Chances are you can hear a fan on the recording somewhere…

It was also a month where I realised something - I am not a cool person. Now I don’t mean literally in terms of body temperature, although that was certainly the case. It has taken many years to admit to myself, but I’m now able to look myself in the eye and say ‘you know what… I am not a cool person.’
You’ve made it this far, so I don’t have to tell you that I’ve got more of a soft spot for slightly older music - both when it comes to listening and writing. I’m not ashamed to say I’m out of touch when it comes to pop and what’s in the charts right now. So naturally my response to my revelation was to attempt to do something that seemed impossible - write a cool song.

So I did my research. I listened to as much modern music as I possibly could and picked up as many different traits and tropes to use in the song. I experimented with these elements and tried to navigate my way through the uncharted territory.

As I went on, I found that I was still able to write like I normally do and stay true to my process. It was the production and the instrumentation that set this track aside from the others. Naturally there were points where I wish I could have done something a bit more retro or perhaps revert into an older production habit - but I kept on track

I wanted the lyric subject matter to be optimistic, but meaningful. When I was thinking about what route to go down, something a friend of mine used to say came to me. When we used to play gigs at University, our good friend Hugo the sound engineer talked directly into our monitors just before we started to play and would say ‘Guys… you got this’. Honestly when I play anything now, I can hear Hugo saying it just before I start playing. Hence, ‘You Got This’ was born…
Let me hear the song!

The Story Behind The Song...

With all of the songs in this project, I simultaneously created a 'Vlog' documenting the story of how I wrote the song. This is the story behind 'Nothing's Going On'.

So, what do you think?

Now that you've heard the song and got to know what it's all about, I'd love to know what you think! Let's get a discussion going!
As we come to the final day of this experience, I’d like to thank you for joining me. It’s been fantastic to share with you the stories and quirks behind these songs and I really hope you’ve enjoyed it too! Here's a link to a folder with all of #ASongInSevenDays in to Download for free in case you've missed any along the way - there's also the other five that weren't included in the Experience!
But the journey doesn’t end here - because I’ve got something just for you! As you’ve come all this way with me, I want to offer you something exclusive! You can have your own LIMITED EDITION CD copy of #ASongInSevenDays! There’s only 200 of them so make sure you get one while they’re still available! The Vinyl-Style CD is the final piece of the #ASongInSevenDays story - as you listen you’ll know how every song came to be! It's a 'Name Your Price' CD, so you can even get hold of it by just paying the postage and packaging - how cool is that!
You can also get your hands on a LIMITED EDITION #ASongInSevenDays Mug! Start your collection - there’s going to be one for every album I make! Why not raise a mug of Tea (or coffee - whatever floats your boat) with me and celebrate the release of #ASongInSevenDays!
Wear the album with this stylish #ASongInSevenDays Sweatshirt! It’s comfortable with an exclusive logo printed design - the perfect way to take the album with you wherever you go! They’re just like the sweatshirts I wore when writing the Record - I’ve got one for myself to add to my collection! Now you can add it to yours too!
I'd like to thank you once again for joining me on this journey - I really hope you've enjoyed the experience! 